Tuesday, February 03, 2009

As Plain as the Nose on Your Face - Hail to the POTUS

I am so impressed with the POTUS. He is a wise and great POTUS, and if he can do all that he is done in 14 days - a mere fortnight - then Saints Be Praised - the next 4 years plus 4 more years will truly be the New American Revolution.

I've been watching the House vs Senate / Dems vs GOP stimulus bill tennis match with great interest. It's the first time in history that you have a doubles game like this going on. I don't know what to watch/read/listen to first.

But here's the thing that seems to have escaped everyone - in all the hue and cry about bipartisanship and stimulus and all the handwringing about waste and pork ...

He's got them talking. He's got them working together. Everyone is focused on the same thing - making this bill the best it can be. The Dems and GOPs who agree with him. The Dems and GOPs who don't. The Senate and the House.

Its the weirdest game of four handed bridge I've ever seen.

Here's the other thing that it seems everyone is missing. Stimulus jobs aren't just the jobs that have a blue collar - or a pink collar - even putting sod on the National Mall will put people to work - people who need to build skills. Family Planning allows counselors and other health care professinals to keep their jobs - and helps people manage their lives without being the unwilling victims of a treacherous biology.

All jobs are good jobs. All strata of workers deserve to be "stimulated" - because it will boost the economy at all all levels.

I just wish I could tell the POTUS that I know his wiley plan. He's amazing. Wish we had one. Our own - and home-grown - but a visionary leader is an amazing thing.

Especially one that can get all four sides of a debate working together.

Incognito, Ergo Sum,

Jane Doe, Citizen

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